Friday, August 31, 2007

JK Rowling - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

There's something wrong if you can finish a 759-page book in under 12 hours. Especially when those 12 hours are not solely dedicated to reading. While the last Harry Potter was certainly an entertaining read, it left me with the same feeling that I've had with all of them: why did that take a billion and a half pages to get through? While I respect the imagination that it takes to create a world and plot as detailed as Harry Potter's, I still am not convinced that any of a dozen other authors I could name in the next ten sceonds couldn't have done the same thing, but not taken a bazillion pages.

Don't get me wrong. I liked the book, and the way she constructed the book, aside from the epilogue, because with such a huge fan base and such a fraught, multi-book plot, it would be very difficult to come up with something to end the series that was both satisfying as an author and as a reader. So I commend her for that, I just don't think that she needs to be worshipped as some goddess of writing like many people do.

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