Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Welcome to Your Next Favorite Book!!

Welcome, interwebulars!

This blog is all about books. If you know me, you know I read obsessively, and fairly omnivorously. Far too few people follow suit, but I think that is partially because if you go to a bookstore and stand in the middle, how do you even begin to pick a book? You could start with bestsellers, books with lots of buzz, though sometimes they're total crap. At least you'd be reading. It's always better to try a book that you like the look of based on a summary or recommendation from a friend. But I find that when I'm at the bookstore I tend to be a sucker for pretty or interesting book covers, or that I try to base a judgement of a book's prospects on its title. Not the best measure of quality, I'm afraid.

So, with all that in mind, I'll be writing about the books I've read recently. A book report of sorts, I guess.

If you happen to read something good and you want to write about it, let me know and I'll add you to the contributors list, and then you can post whenever you want.

Happy reading, interwebs!

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